Monday, June 18, 2012

Prescriptions and Medications (ongoing list)

Liquid Prescription Bottles 

I will continue to update this list as changes are made to his prescriptions or medications. I have them listed by diagnosis or condition. 

Sandifer's Syndrome (Acid Reflux Disease)
  • Zantac- 1 ml/ 2x daily for reflux (increased to 1.3 ml 2x daily on 6/6/12)-we put this directly into his bottle
  • Prevacid- 15 mg once daily (6/6/12)- given 2 hours after a zantac bottle and on an empty stomach so at least 30 minutes before another feeding
  • Maalox or Mylanta- 1 ml 1-2x daily as needed (right after feeding with no other medications)
 Epilepsy-Seizures - trial and error are the name of this game.  what works for one individual might not for others.  this is what is currently working for Noah.
  • Topamax
    • started with 2ml/2x daily for 3 days, then increase to 3ml/2x daily for 2 days, then increase to 5ml/2x daily which is our goal amount as of  (5/3/12)
    • (increase to 6mg/5 ml/ 2x daily by 5/8/12)-prescription error
    • (decreased to 60 mg daily 5/22/12)
    •  (increased to 72mg daily on 6/2/12)
    • (decrease back to 60mg daily on 6/19/12) 
  • Keppra 1.2 ml/ 2x daily (started to wean off this on 5/8/12)-stopped on 5/11/12- we stopped this because it was causing Noah to not sleep at all and also he would cry inconsolably which was not his normal behavior.  However, I have been told that this is the safest anti-seizure drug out there right now because it does not process through the liver.
  • Diastat 2.5mg- emergency seizure medication (used twice as of 5/21/12)
***currently doing some research on the use of Frankincense oil to help with epilepsy but we have not actually tried this yet since Noah is not currently having seizures.

 Infantile Spasms
  • Prednisolone (5/17/12- 3ml daily) (5/22/12- 15ml/daily) (wean 5/30/12-6/13/12)- Done
Thrush (caused by being on steroids with a suppressed immune system)
  • Nystatin Oral liquid- Thrush (1ml/ 4x daily) (5/29/12)- given for two weeks.  No food or drink 10 minutes before or after given
  • Nystatin cream- for diaper rash caused by thrush or we used it on his hands and fingers because he would suck on them and spread the infection to his hands.  We always put a glove on his hands when we put the cream on them.
  • Miralax- anywhere from 1 tsp up to half of a cap full daily depending on how constipated he is.
  • Pedia-lax liquid glycerin suppository- once a week as needed.  Not to be given on a regular bases or else the body will depend on it.  We like the liquid kind better than the harder glycerin suppository inserts.    
Thickening Food
  • SimplyThick food thickener (all liquids)
  • ThickIT (does not thicken breastmilk)
  • Xanthan Gum (create your own Simply Thick) - here
  • Rice cereal (does not thicken breastmilk)- sometimes this works for Noah but it also causes him more constipation
  • Oatmeal (for both breastmilk and formula)- causes Noah constipation

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