Yesterday when I was getting ready for our PT to visit I had put Noah on his back in the middle of our front room. He wasn't propped on anything and in fact I put him directly on the carpet because our dog was running around and I was trying to catch her. I went into the kitchen to block our pup and when I came back into the living room Noah was on his stomach! Noah turned over from back to front for his first time since...I don't even know how long. I missed it! I think around 3 months old was the last time he accidentally flipped over but then the infantile spams struck, the seizures struck, and the seizure meds took hold of our little boy. He has been off his seizure meds for about 5 months now, he is currently 16.5 months old............and he turned over on his very own!!!

Today happens to be my fathers birthday and I think sweet Noah has been holding out to surprise him on his big day. I have had tears of joy swelling in my eyes for the past ten minutes. My mom and dad come over on Mondays and Wednesdays to help Noah with his rolling specifically. Noah totally knew what he was doing and I am so proud of him.
Yay Noah! (Happy Birthday Grandpa!)
***the video would not load for some reason so I took a bunch of snapshots so that you could see his wonderful new trick!